Proceedings of IATL 22

Edited by Yehuda N. Falk

This is the proceedings volume for the twenty-second annual conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics. All the papers that were presented at the conference are listed in the Table of Contents. For those papers which were submitted to the proceedings, there are links to short web-page abstracts and to the full papers in PDF format.

The editor would like to thank everyone who submitted a copy of the paper for the proceedings.

Jerusalem, Israel
December 2006

Table of Contents

Julia Adler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lexical semantics and information structure: Alternations with German verbs of transfer

Artemis Alexiadou and Florian Schäfer, University of Stuttgart
Towards a typology of instrument subjects

Irena Botwinik-Rotem, Tel Aviv University
Why are they different: A case study of Hebrew locative PPs

Stanley Dubinsky, University of South Carolina
Parasitic gaps in restrictive and appositive clauses
[abstract]   [paper]

Martin Everaert, Utrecht University
The partitioning of anaphoric dependencies

Itamar Francez, Stanford University
Semantic structure and argument realization in (mostly Hebrew) existentials
[abstract]   [paper]

Ion Giurgea, Université Paris VII “Denis Diderot”
Split DP topicalization and the role of interfaces
[abstract]   [paper]

Adele Goldberg, Princeton University
Constructions and the nature of generalization in language

Yael Greenberg, Bar-Ilan University
The semantics / pragmatics of still in the analysis of the Hebrew beodo construction

Elena Herburger and Simon Mauck, Georgetown University
A semantic account of the ‘conjunctive’ reading of “or” in conditionals

David Hron, Tel Aviv University
On the derivation of reflexive nouns: The case of Czech
[abstract]   [paper]

Hamutal Kreiner, University of Glasgow, Patrick Sturt, University of Edinburgh, and Simon Garrod, University of Glasgow
The time course of lexical vs. stereotypical gender processing in reference resolution: Evidence from eye-movement

Lior Laks, Tel Aviv University
Morpho-phonology and the lexicon-syntax interface: Thematic operations in Standard Arabic, Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew
[abstract]   [paper]

Aya Meltzer, Tel Aviv University
Adjectival passives and adjectival decausatives in Hebrew
[abstract]   [paper]

Omer Preminger, Tel Aviv University/MIT
Nested Interrogatives and the Locus of wh
[abstract]   [paper]

Tanya Reinhart, Tel Aviv University and Utrecht University
The processing cost of implicatures

Chris H. Reintges, Leiden University
A syntactic derivation of eventive and stative passives: New evidence from Old Egyptian

Eytan Zweig, New York University
The plurality of bare plurals
[abstract]   [paper]