Proceedings of IATL 29

Edited by Nurit Melnik


Print version published by MITWPL

Table of Contents

Elbert J. Booij and Galit Weidman Sassoon
Big Differences: The standard for ‘Big’ as used by adults and children

Edit Doron
The Adjectival Construct in Hebrew

Julie Fadlon
The Psycholinguistics of Derivational Directionality: The TransitiveUnaccusative Alternation

Noam Faust and Vered Silber-Varod
Modern Hebrew Prepositions are Enclitics: Converging Evidence from Lexical Morpho-Phonology and Natural Speech Segmentation

Yael Greenberg and Dina Orenstein
Hebrew exclusive participle and the distinction between Roothian and ‘internal’ alternatives

Olga Kagan
Gradability Across Domains: The Semantics of the Degree Modifier ‘ČUT’

Ana Müller
Ways of Expressing Event Plurality: Cumulativity, Pluractionality and Distributivity in Karitiana

Matthew Reeve
A Unified Analysis of Gapping and Cleft Ellipsis

Ana Paula Scher and Marcus Vinicius Lunguinho and Aline Garcia Rodero-Takahira
Voice (A)symmetries and Innovative Participles in Brazilian Portuguese

Sergei Tatevosov
Event Structure and the Anticausative and Unaccusative in Russian

Carla Umbach
Expressing Similarity: on some Differences between Adjectives and Demonstratives