
The current officers of IATL are:

  • President: Sharon Armon-Lotem
  • Secretary: David Erschler
  • Treasurer: Lior Laks
  • Program Committee:
    • Ezer Rasin (Tel Aviv University)
    • Nora Boneh (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    • Nurit Melnik (The Open University)
    • Svetlana Dachkovsky (Haifa University)
    • Aviya Hacohen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
    • Lior Laks (Bar-Ilan University)
  • Website maintainer: Gabi Danon

IATL was founded in 1985 by David Gil and Shalom Lapin.

The original IATL website, which hosted the IATL proceedings since 2002, was built and maintained by Yehuda Falk until 2012. The vast majority of the present site is nothing more than a cosmetic update to Yehuda’s wonderful work.